Streaked Reed-warbler (Acrocephalus sorghophilus): Revise global status?

Red List Team (BirdLife International)

Streaked Reed-warbler (Acrocephalus sorghophilus): Revise global status?

6 thoughts on “Streaked Reed-warbler (Acrocephalus sorghophilus): Revise global status?

  1. I support the proposed change to Critically Endangered and expect that this classification will encourage greater attention on this species within China and other range countries. Although birding has increased dramatically in China in the last ten years, the area where Streaked Reed Warbler is thought to breed (far NE China) is sparsely covered and the timing of the spring migration in Beijing/Hebei for this species (late May/early June) means that most birders visiting coastal Hebei have left before this species passes through. Similarly, the autumn migration is relatively early (late August and early September) through Beijing/Hebei. So there is hope!

  2. Many thanks to everyone who has contributed to this discussion. We greatly appreciate the time and effort invested by so many people in commenting. The window for consultation is now closed and we are unable to accept any more comments until 21 February 2022. We will now analyse and interpret the new information, and we will post a preliminary decision on this species’s Red List status on this page on 21 February 2022, when discussions will re-open.

  3. Preliminary proposal

    Based on available information, our preliminary proposal for the 2022.1 Red List would be to adopt the proposed classifications outlined in the initial forum discussion.

    There is now a period for further comments until the final deadline on 27 February 2022, after which the recommended categorisations will be put forward to IUCN.

    The final 2022.1 Red List categories will be published on the BirdLife and IUCN websites in July 2022, following further checking of information relevant to the assessments by both BirdLife and IUCN.

  4. Many thanks to everyone who has contributed to this discussion. We greatly appreciate the time and effort invested by so many people in commenting. The window for consultation is now closed and we are unable to accept any more comments. We will analyse and interpret the new information, and we will post a final decision on this species’ Red List status on this page on 7 March 2022.

  5. The following comment was received from Desmond Allen after the window for consultation was closed:

    “I have been suggesting Critical for this species for over 10 years. I agree with Terry that is still possibly extant, though Critical may prove to be behind the curve”

  6. Recommended categorisation to be put forward to IUCN

    The final categorisation for this species has not changed. Streaked Reed-warbler is recommended to be listed as Critically Endangered under Criterion A2bc.

    Many thanks for everyone who contributed to the 2022.1 GTB Forum process. The final 2022.1 Red List categories will be published on the BirdLife and IUCN websites in July 2022, following further checking of information relevant to the assessments by both BirdLife and IUCN.

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