Sickle-billed Vanga (Falculea palliata): Revise global status?

Red List Team (BirdLife International)

Sickle-billed Vanga (Falculea palliata): Revise global status?

6 thoughts on “Sickle-billed Vanga (Falculea palliata): Revise global status?

  1. This species can occur in mildly degraded habitat (e.g. seen in forest edge near to settlements), and the Hawkins et al. (2015) field guide notes the species to be “common in…plantations, regrowth and even edges of towns”. So I would tentatively suspect the rate of decline to be lower than that outright measured using GFW data.

    However, it is not equally distributed across its range (see Hawkins et al. map) and so if the majority of forest loss has occurred within the higher density areas, it would then not surprise me if declines were to be at 20-29%.

    If the final decision is to go for this uplist, I would note that the time period for the genuine change should be 2016-2020 rather than 2024-2028, as the apparent timing of the change as based on the above text is since 2016.

  2. Many thanks to everyone who has contributed to this discussion. We greatly appreciate the time and effort invested by so many people in commenting. The window for consultation is now closed and we are unable to accept any more comments until 21 February 2022. We will now analyse and interpret the new information, and we will post a preliminary decision on this species’s Red List status on this page on 21 February 2022, when discussions will re-open.

  3. Preliminary proposal

    Based on available information, and incorporating additional information from this discussion, our preliminary proposal for the 2022.1 Red List would be to adopt the proposed classifications outlined in the initial forum discussion.

    There is now a period for further comments until the final deadline on 27 February 2022, after which the recommended categorisations will be put forward to IUCN.

    The final 2022.1 Red List categories will be published on the BirdLife and IUCN websites in July 2022, following further checking of information relevant to the assessments by both BirdLife and IUCN.

  4. I support the rigorous application of the RL criteria. In this case, I do not consider that the species can be considered to have reached NT status as it has a very large range and is common across a range of primary and degraded habitats across that range. Compare to e.g. Lafresnaye’s vanga, which has a much smaller range, and is more restricted to primary habitats, and is less common within them, which does reach NT status.

  5. Many thanks to everyone who has contributed to this discussion. We greatly appreciate the time and effort invested by so many people in commenting. The window for consultation is now closed and we are unable to accept any more comments. We will analyse and interpret the new information, and we will post a final decision on this species’ Red List status on this page on 7 March 2022.

  6. Recommended categorisation to be put forward to IUCN

    Following further review, the recommended categorisation for this species has been changed. Sickle-billed Vanga is now recommended to be listed as Least Concern.

    Many thanks for everyone who contributed to the 2022.1 GTB Forum process. The final 2022.1 Red List categories will be published on the BirdLife and IUCN websites in July 2022, following further checking of information relevant to the assessments by both BirdLife and IUCN.

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